Class AverageRotationMatrix_F64


public class AverageRotationMatrix_F64 extends Object

Finds the average of a set of quaternions by using a modification of the method proposed in [1]. It works by finding the average rotation matrix then finds the best fit matrix in SO-3, see page 200 of [2].

[1] MLA Markley, F. Landis, et al. "Quaternion averaging." (2007)

[2] "An Invitation to 3-D Vision, From Images to Geometric Models" 1st Ed. 2004. Springer.

  • Constructor Details

    • AverageRotationMatrix_F64

      public AverageRotationMatrix_F64()
  • Method Details

    • process

      public boolean process(List<DMatrixRMaj> list, DMatrixRMaj average)
      Finds average rotation matrix for matrices stored in DMatrixRMaj format.
      list - (Input) rotation matrices
      average - (Output) average rotation.
      true if successful or false if it failed
    • process

      public boolean process(List<DMatrix3x3> list, DMatrix3x3 average)
      Finds average rotation matrix for matrices stored in DMatrix3x3 format.
      list - (Input) rotation matrices
      average - (Output) average rotation.
      true if successful or false if it failed
    • processOp

      public <T> boolean processOp(List<T> list, DMatrixRMaj average, AverageRotationMatrix_F64.Convert<T> op)
      Computes average rotation matrix given a list with an arbitrary data type that can be converted into a DMatrix3x3.
      list - List of data structures with rotation matrix in it
      average - (Output) Storage for computed average matrix
      op - Converts input data type to DMatrix3x3
      true if successful or false if it failed