Class UtilPlane3D_F32


@Generated("georegression.geometry.UtilPlane3D_F64") public class UtilPlane3D_F32 extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • UtilPlane3D_F32

      public UtilPlane3D_F32()
  • Method Details

    • convert

      public static PlaneGeneral3D_F32 convert(PlaneNormal3D_F32 input, @Nullable @Nullable PlaneGeneral3D_F32 output)
      Converts a plane in normal form into a general equation
      input - Plane in normal form.
      output - (Optional) Storage for output plane in general form. If null a new instance will be declared.
      The convert plane in general form.
    • convert

      public static PlaneNormal3D_F32 convert(PlaneGeneral3D_F32 input, @Nullable @Nullable PlaneNormal3D_F32 output)

      Converts a plane in general form into normal form. The point on the plane in normal form will be the closest point to the origin.

      NOTE: The normal is not normalized.

      input - Plane in general form.
      output - (Optional) Storage for output plane in normal form. If null a new instance will be declared.
      The plane in normal form.
    • convert

      public static PlaneNormal3D_F32 convert(PlaneTangent3D_F32 input, @Nullable @Nullable PlaneNormal3D_F32 output)
      Converts a plane in tangent form into a plane in normal form
      input - Plane in tangent form.
      output - (Optional) Storage for output plane in normal form. If null a new instance will be declared.
      The convert plane in general form.
    • convert

      public static PlaneNormal3D_F32 convert(Se3_F32 planeToWorld, @Nullable @Nullable PlaneNormal3D_F32 output)
      Defines a plane using a 3D rigid body transform. +z is the 3rd column the rotation matrix. The plane's point is the translation. The plane reference frame is the x-y plane.
      planeToWorld - (Input) SE3 transform from the plane into the "world" frame.
      output - (Output) Plane
    • hessianNormalForm

      public static void hessianNormalForm(PlaneGeneral3D_F32 plane)
      Converts the plane into Hessian normal form. This is done by dividing each coefficient by the Euclidean norm of (A,B,C).
      plane - The input plane. Modified.
    • evaluate

      public static float evaluate(PlaneGeneral3D_F32 plane, Point3D_F32 point)
      Applies the plane's definition to test to see if a point is one the plane
      plane - Equation of the plane
      point - Equation of the point.
      zero if the point is one the plane.
    • evaluate

      public static float evaluate(PlaneNormal3D_F32 plane, Point3D_F32 point)
      Applies the plane's definition to test to see if a point is one the plane
      plane - Equation of the plane
      point - Equation of the point.
      zero if the point is one the plane.
    • selectAxis2D

      public static void selectAxis2D(Vector3D_F32 normal, Vector3D_F32 axisX, Vector3D_F32 axisY)
      There are an infinite number of possible 2D coordinate axises for a plane. This selects one which will be right handed using UtilVector3D_F32.perpendicularCanonical(Vector3D_F32, Vector3D_F32) and a cross product.
      normal - (Input) The plane's normal or z-axis
      axisX - (Output) Selected x-axis. Normalized
      axisY - (output) Selected y-axis. Normalized
    • point3Dto2D

      public static void point3Dto2D(Point3D_F32 pointOnPlane, Vector3D_F32 axisX, Vector3D_F32 axisY, Point3D_F32 A, Point2D_F32 output)
      Projects the point onto the 2D coordinate system specified by the provided x-axis. If the chose of x-axis is arbitrary UtilVector3D_F32.perpendicularCanonical(Vector3D_F32, Vector3D_F32) is recommended as a way to select
      pointOnPlane - (Input) A point on the plane.
      axisX - (Input) Vector which defines the x-axis
      axisY - (Input) Vector which defines the y-axis
      A - (Input) 3D vector you wish to project. MUST BE ON THE PlANE
      output - (Output) 2D projected vector.
    • point2Dto3D

      public static void point2Dto3D(Point3D_F32 origin, Vector3D_F32 axisX, Vector3D_F32 axisY, Point2D_F32 A, Point3D_F32 output)
      Given a point on the plane's 2D coordinate system, convert it back into a 3D point.
      origin - (Input) Point that defines the 2D coordinate system's origin.
      axisX - (Input) axis which defines the 2D x-axis
      axisY - (Input) axis which defines the 2D y-axis
      A - (Input) 2D point that is to be converted
      output - (Output) 3D point
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(PlaneNormal3D_F32 a, PlaneNormal3D_F32 b, float tol)
      Returns true if the two plane equations are equal to within tolerance. Planes are converted into generalized format and normalized to take in account scale ambiguity.
      a - plane
      b - plane
      tol - Tolerance for equality
      true if equals and false if not
    • planeToWorld

      public static Se3_F32 planeToWorld(PlaneGeneral3D_F32 plane, @Nullable @Nullable Se3_F32 planeToWorld)
      Creates a transform from the plane's reference frame into world's reference frame. The z-axis is set to the plane's normal and the x-axis and y-axis are arbitrarily choosen. Points which lie along the plane will lie along its x-y plane.
      plane - Plane
      planeToWorld - (Optional) storage for the planeToWorld transform. Can be null.
      Transform from planeToWorld
    • planeToWorld

      public static Se3_F32 planeToWorld(PlaneGeneral3D_F32 plane, Vector3D_F32 axisX, Vector3D_F32 axisY, Vector3D_F32 axisZ, @Nullable @Nullable Se3_F32 planeToWorld)