Class PointCloudToNormals_F64

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PointCloudToNormals_F64 extends Object
Takes in a point cloud and returns the same point cloud with surface norms. In this implementation, we use a KDTree to find all the N local neighbors of each point. A plane is fit to those neighbors and the normal extracted from that. The sign of the normal is arbitrary as additional information is needed.
  • Field Details

    • numNeighbors

      public int numNeighbors
  • Constructor Details

    • PointCloudToNormals_F64

      public PointCloudToNormals_F64()
  • Method Details

    • convert

      public void convert(List<Point3D_F64> input, List<Point3D_F64> cloud, DogArray<Vector3D_F64> output)
      Computes surface normals for all the inputs using the provided cloud.
      input - (Input) Points which will have their normals computed
      cloud - (Input) The point cloud which will be sampled for the local planes
      output - (Output) Storage for the found normals of the input
    • convert

      protected void convert(int idx0, int idx1, List<Point3D_F64> input, DogArray<Vector3D_F64> output, PointCloudToNormals_F64.Helper helper)
      Convert all the points within the specified range.